Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
The first time I read this book, I loved it. I thought the story was interesting. The urban fantasy elements were great and I couldn't wait to read the next one in the series. But since books don't just appear out of thin air, I needed to wait for the second book to be published. The second book came out, but I decided to reread Daughter of Smoke and Bone before buying it. And I realized that I wasn't really into urban fantasy any longer. The book wasn't quite as captivating as I expected it to be.

Matched by Allie Condie
This series, similar to the previous one, was one I stopped reading because my tastes changed. I read the first two books, Matched and Crossed but decided not to pick up the third book. I guess that while I like dystopia, I don't really like this kind of dystopia, which centers around a society where the government chooses your spouse for you.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
This book was recommended to me by a friend years ago. It was when everyone was obsessed with dystopian fiction. She loved this book, so I said I'd give it a try. And I just didn't like it. Maybe my friend had hyped it up a bit too much, setting my expectations too high. I just felt very disappointed by the end and didn't want to continue.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
Back when vampires were all the rage, I picked up the first book in this series. I thought the book was fine. I didn't hate it, but I also wasn't impressed. As a result, I didn't see a reason to keep reading the series. It's run-of-the-mill urban fantasy in my opinion, which is a genre I no longer gravitate towards.

The Dune Saga by Frank Herbert
When I refer to "the Dune saga" I'm referring only to the six books Frank Herbert wrote, not the later books that were written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. I read four of the six books in this series, dropping the series after God Emperor of Dune. There was a huge shift in overall tone between Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune and I wasn't a huge fan of it. I realized I wasn't enjoying the series anymore, so I stopped reading.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I don't really have a long, drawn-out explanation for this one. I read the first book in this series, but I haven't read the second one yet. I don't know if I'll ever read the rest of the books in the series. I haven't made a deliberate decision to stop, but I don't feel compelled to continue.

The Wicked Years by Gregory Maguire
I loved Wicked. I felt only so-so about Son of A Witch, so I stopped reading the series. There are two more books, but I'm not likely to read them. I feel like Wicked should've just been a stand-alone, rather than the first of four books. I wasn't overly concerned with what happened in Oz after the Wicked Witch of the West was out of the story.
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