As I mentioned in an earlier post, autumn is my favorite time of year. However, no season is perfect, not even my favorite one. While I like fall itself, there are some trends and traditions during fall that I just don't like. Some I find boring. Some don't fit my tastes and some I just don't like and I don't really have (or feel the inclination to give) a reason for why I dislike them. With that said, let's discuss some fall things I don't like.
Apple and Pumpkin Picking
I have nothing against apples. I like apples. I have nothing against pumpkins. They make excellent pies. Here's the thing though apple picking, going to the pumpkin patch, wandering through the fields trying to decide which one to pick. It's boring. I know some people really like it, but I don't.
Pumpkin Spiced Everything
This will probably upset a lot of people, but I don't like pumpkin spiced things. Pumpkin spiced lattes aren't actually that great. There are so many, other, better coffee drinks out there. A group of people decided they were really into the Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte and all of a sudden, everyone else should be too. Because its not just lattes anymore. Pumpkin spiced donuts, pumpkin spiced cereal. Pumpkin spiced ice cream. Pumpkin spiced pudding. Can we please stop with the pumpkin spiced madness? Please?
I have really bad allergies. Needless to say, I don't have a ton of fun on hayrides because I spend a lot of time sneezing. Even if I wasn't sneezing all of the time on hayrides, they kind of have no point? You just ride around in this cart? If you're lucky, the ride takes you to a corn maze or something. Otherwise, you just go from one side of a field to another. I have friends who love hayrides and I just don't understand them.
Those are the three things about fall that I don't like. There are a few others, but they're a little nitpicky and I didn't want to write a completely negative post where I mention every little thing or trend I don't like.
What are your favorite fall activities?