Since I started this blog, I've been thinking a lot about books I've read over the years. Not only have I been remembering books that changed my life on a very deep level, but also some series I remember loving that I'd forgotten about. When I was making a list of young adult series that I love for another post, I was suddenly reminded of the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix. So, I decided to dedicate an entire post to that series by itself.
The Shadow Children series consists of seven novels (Among the Hidden, Among the Impostors, Among the Betrayed, Among the Barons, Among the Brave, Among the Enemy and Among the Free). It takes place in a dystopian country where the government has enforced strict population control laws in order to control overpopulation after environmental conditions have severely limited resources, particularly food. As a result, it is against the law for families to have more than two children; the law is strictly enforced by the Population Police, who are said to conduct raids specifically to find and punish families who have more than two children. Due to these circumstance, the third, and any subsequent, children are denied the right to exist and must spend their lives hidden to avoid imprisonment or death.
The first book in this series, Among the Hidden, was the book that sparked my interest in dystopian novels. While I'd read some dystopian fiction before it, I either didn't understand the dysptopian elements at the time, or I didn't find the story particularly interesting. Not with this series though. They were the perfect book to get me into dystopias. From this series, I found The Hunger Games and other, more widely-discussed dystopian series.
While books such as The Hunger Games certainly deserve the attention they get, I feel like this series is being forgotten by people. I read these books in middle school, and while several other students read them, I don't think that was the case for everyone. I think they've been largely overlooked, as many people I've asked haven't heard of them. Or maybe I've been asking the wrong people. It's a good series for the middle grade and young adult audience, being on the right reading level and age-appropriate for readers at the younger end of the YA age range. It's being overlooked, and it doesn't deserve to.
In conclusion, if you enjoy dystopia fiction and you haven't read this series, I think you should check it out. If you have read this series, what did you think of it? Are there any novels or series you think aren't getting the attention they deserve?
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This is an overlooked series. I've thought about picking it up a few times. Thank you for the post, maybe I'll get around to it!