Thursday, February 13, 2020

Book Reader Problems Tag

I found this tag on The Book Nut's blog and decided to give it a try because it looked interesting/fun.

1. You have 20,000 books in your TBR, how in the world do you decide what to read next?

I actually (and I know this sounds dorky) have a spreadsheet of all of the books on my TBR and use a random number generator to pick the next book.
2. You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you put it down or are you committed?
I try to stick it out most of the time. Occasionally, I'll come across a book that I just can't get into but that rarely happens. If at the halfway point, I can't find something to make me keep going, it goes into the "Try Again Later" pile.
3. The end of the year is coming and you’re behind on your reading challenge, do you try to catch up? And if so, how?
It depends. If I'm 5 or less away, I'll reread some short books I liked when I was younger. If I'm more than 5 away, I probably wouldn't rush to catch up, but try harder next year.
4. The covers of a series you love do not match, how do you cope?
I don't really care all that much. Having matching book covers isn't a make or break for me.
5. Everyone and their mother loves a book that you do not. Who do you bond with over your shared feelings?
Random people on Twitter. Because if I've learned one thing from the Internet, its that no book is loved by everyone.
6. You’re reading a book in public and you’re about to start crying. How do you deal?
Maybe this makes me weird, but I don't read a lot of books in public for this exact reason. On the rare occasions that I do read in public, I'd probably just leave and let everyone wonder where I'm running off to.
7. The sequel to a book you loved just came out but you’ve forgotten a lot of what happens. Are you going to reread it?
I might, depending on how long the first book is, how excited I am for the release and if, after reading a bit of the sequel, some details start coming back to me.
8. You do not want anyone to borrow your books, how do you politely say no when someone asks?
No one usually asks me. The one person who has in the past year keeps asking at odd times, so I always don't have the book with me and I just kind of shrug and say they forgot to remind me.
9. You have picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over this reading slump?
A lot of the time, my slump is due to reading too many similar books, so I'll pick a book that's in a completely different genre.
10. There are so many books coming out that you are dying to read, how many do you end up buying?
I'll buy two or three that I'm completely excited about. The others I'll either get from the library, when its available, or try to borrow from a friend I know bought it.
11. After you purchase all of these books that you’re dying to read how long do they sit on your shelves before you get to them?
It depends, but I try not to let new releases sit for more than six weeks.

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