I think a lot about good places to read. While it's possible to read almost anywhere, there's a definite distinction that makes somewhere a good place to read and what doesn't. I've decided there are a few characteristics that makes somewhere a good places to read.
First of all, ambiance. I don't know about you, but I prefer reading in places where there's a good atmosphere. I can read on the Metro, but I prefer not to because of how loud and distracting it can be. I like quiet places that are out of the way. There aren't a ton of people, but I'm also not the only person there. This is why, when I was in college, one of my favorite places to go to read was the library, cliche I know. The library was quiet, they had some comfy chairs and for the most part, people left you alone.
Second, comfort. Where would you rather sit when you read? In a big comfy chair, possibly with a blanket thrown over you for good measure, or in a hard plastic chair where you can't lean back on relax? I'd take the first option, any day. Since I love curling up with a good book, I prefer big, overstuffed chairs that practically beg to be sat in. This is definitely why lying in bed is one of my favorite places to read. Nothing says comfort like lying in bed and getting lost in a book.
Third, lighting. This one might be part of ambiance, but I've decided to make it its own category. Obviously, reading in the dark is very difficult, but what makes somewhere a good place to read depends a lot on the lighting situation. I prefer natural lighting to artificial lights. I'd rather sit by the window, where I can get plenty of natural light to read by, than deal with too many overhead fluorescent lights. I'm prone to headaches pretty easily, so the more natural light, the better. Plus, natural light just feels cozier.
For all of the reasons I've described above, I've decided my favorite place to read, by far, and the coziest, is in a big overstuffed chair, in front of a fireplace. I curl up there with my latest read and a glass of something warm, maybe coffee, maybe hot chocolate, and get lost in the tale the author has to offer.
That's my ideal place to read. What's yours?
yea i do most of my reading in bed!!:)