Saturday, October 19, 2019

Blogtober Day 19: Books I Regret Reading

There aren't many books that I regret reading, but they do exist. For the most part, I've been pretty lucky in the sense that most books I've read, I was able to find something about them that I enjoyed. Even if they weren't my favorite book ever, I was able to connect with or find interesting something about them.

Yet, every once in a while, I find a book that I just can't stand. I don't like it. I regret reading it. If someone recommends it, I get a little annoyed at the person for suggesting it in the first place. Here are five books that I regret reading.

1) Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

My issue with this book isn't that it's bad, it's that it's boring. Boring and predictable. Something interesting could've been done with the story, but nothing was. None of my expectations were subverted and I was annoyed at the friend who suggested it.

2) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I don't know why this is considered one of the great American novels. It's boring. There's almost no real plot. I hate every character. I was forced to read this for school at least twice and I hate it so much. If I have to hear another person discuss the symbolism behind the billboard of the eye doctor one more time, I will scream.

3) Extras by Scott Westerfeld

This is the fourth book in the Uglies series (Uglies, Pretties, and Specials). I thought the first three books were okay. They weren't groundbreaking, they weren't terrible. They were based on an interesting idea. The problem is, the series was supposed to be a trilogy. Since Specials was supposed to mark the end of the trilogy, this feels tacked on. Tacked on, a little derivative and something I wish I'd skipped.

4) The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

This pick is different from the others. It was the only book where I started reading with specific expectations. I thought this series was going to be similar to the movie with Anne Hathway. Boy, was I wrong. Mia's grandmother is nothing like the character Julie Andrews plays and several aspects are completely different from the film. I guess I regret reading this book only because it seemed like a letdown from the Disney film.

5) Go Ask Alice

This one just depressed me, so its on this list. I don't like books that completely bum me out.

(I know, I know. Most of the time, these lists will either have Twilight or the Fifty Shades series on it. Here's the thing: Twilight isn't terrible. It isn't good, but if we take it for what it is, it's not "the worst thing ever" like some people claim. As for Fifty Shades, I never read those books. I never wanted to read them. I knew I wasn't going to like them. Therefore, I didn't read them, and I can live regret-free on that count. I regret having to see 5,000 trailers for the movies though.)

Those are the five books I most regret reading. What are yours?

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